Symphony L42_HW1_V07 Boot kay cm2 flash file full free Download
Symphony L42_HW1_V07 Boot kay call batton cm2 flash file
1. Power off device
2. Press and hold BootKey call batton
3. Insert cable and battery in device!
Wait for device ...
Device Connected!
BootVersion : SPRD3
BootSource : InternalLibrary
BootVersion : Infinity SCR SC6531E Loader v 1.2
Port speed : 921600
FDL Flash : Control transfered!
Boot Done!
Make backup of sensetive data
Backup saved to : C:\InfinityBox\CM2SCR\Backup\00400000_FMT_BACK_1D8F5E71760E_NVM.nv
Executing FormatFFS ...
Format FFS Done!
Elapsed: 00:00:37
Reconnect Power/Cable!
Read Flash Ok, Size : 4.00 MiB
Platform Version: MOCOR_16A.W18.42.5_Release
Project Version: SC6531EFM_BAR
MMI Version: L42_HW1_V07
HW Version: SC6531EFM_BAR
09-10-2019 15:57:45
LOG Version: V1.0.1
Symphony L42
Saved to : C:\Users\monirul islam\Desktop\MOCOR_16A.W18.42.5_Release.bin
Elapsed: 00:00:56
Reconnect Power/Cable!